Jumat, 21 September 2018



LYQD is an ecosystem market based on decentralized eternity which will be the framework for the entire vaping industry. One of the main features of eLYQD is the use of blockchain technology, which enables the creation of a transparent, open and safe platform for both parties, reducing transaction and business costs, and simplifying the purchasing process.
eLYQD is a platform designed to enable manufacturers of vaping industries to create online stores that will utilize the most advanced technology in e-commerce, and provide the vaping community the freedom to choose and the option to pay for products with LYQD tokens, fiat or cryptocurrency.


The eLYQD market will increase the effectiveness of all business interactions by freeing them from all types of intermediaries and making these interactions immediate, transparent, safe and mutually beneficial. This vision will be achieved by creating a decentralized blockchain-based ecosystem and managing user interactions in a peer-to-peer manner. The eLYQD ecosystem will be used by mass consumers and product manufacturers, from all over the world.


Distributed Blockchain ensures total transparency and verification of each transaction, including detailed product characteristics, price structure, relevant sales conditions, and well-known profiles of sales parties. The eLYQD ecosystem will be used on the Ethereum platform.


The principle of peer-to-peer interaction in eLYQD will allow all participants to interact directly. This eliminates the costs associated with intermediaries. The price of the product or service will be forwarded to the manufacturer as a whole. The final price of a product will only contain real production costs and fair margins.


Payments in the eLYQD ecosystem will affect the crypto-token system-LYQD, ERC20-compliant. The token function is rewarding the user for active use of the ecosystem and contributing to its development (rewards including several types of crypto-payback, loyalty, promotion).


In cases of disputes between buyers and sellers, arbitration services are available. We encourage sellers to choose arbitrators, because this increases the level of trust for buyers and also the possibility of purchases will be made. If both parties dispute the transaction, the seller will pay the arbitrator from the deposited funds. For buyers, arbitration is always free.


Every seller and buyer will have a reputation rating derived from their behavior during each transaction. Users with low or negative reputation scores can be filtered, to protect other users from fraud and waste time. This reputation system will encourage legitimate traders and customers to act honestly and build a solid reputation.


Ether, like all cryptocurrency, is easy to change, changes its value every day, relative to national currencies such as dollars and euros. eLYQD will develop an integrated payment system that functions like ether, but converts to a 1: 1 currency. Finally, items can be priced in national currency, and you will know exactly how much you spend or paid.


In the eLYQD ecosystem, brands, consumers, arbitrators, distribution, and senders interact directly with each other. Transactions are supported by LYQD and therefore they are fast, safe and transparent. No intermediary is needed in traditional vaping ecosystems. eLYQD will retain all the values ​​generated by the community in the ecosystem.


Below are a few milestones that will come from the eLYQD project.
›An idea born. Special decentralized markets for the vaping industry ›Bring some serious changes through our direct market to consumers


›Funding for development› Market launch through selling LYQD tokens

Q3 - Q4 2018

›Development of alpha version of market testing› All connections made through HTTPS ›Escrow & Arbitration smart contracts› Universal search bar ›Blockchain blocking system› Uploading free personal images ›Unencrypted chat system› x2 Geth and caching nodes

Q1 2019

›Blockchain blocking system› Uploading private and free images ›Unencrypted chat system› Public beta testing ›Localization in 20 languages› Error reporting system ›Status.im integration› Web version & filtering system ›Importable theme systems› Integration service providers
›Blockchain blocking system› Uploading private and free images ›Unencrypted chat system› Public beta testing ›Localization in 20 languages› Error reporting system ›Status.im integration› Web version & filtering system ›Importable theme systems› Integration service providers
Q2 2019
›Escrow & arbitration service provider› Theme system that can be imported ›Naming system, GIS & Nametags› System reputation ›Integration delivery provider› Low and safe gas costs ›Reputation system› Mobile applications for iOS and Android ›Integration of additional delivery providers› System storefront ›Upload bulk inventory

Q3 2019

›Direct desktop application for escrow and arbitration› Live Status.im application ›Direct web version› Integrated encrypted chat system ›Filtering system› Safe and low-variable gas costs ›Full network vibration and cache networks› Storefront system ›Bulk inventory upload ›Other languages› Fiat payment system




For more information about LYQD, visit this link.
AUTHOR: AlexSukaRondoz
MY PROFILE: 0x133CD24bA910DD9B6b6fd66b200E15e8e799C175

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