Senin, 24 September 2018



FiiiCOIN, a cryptocurrency that is made with a long and heavy ratio in mind, is designed to overcome all this - and in the new world that is used to communicate, process and manage at all.

About Fiiicoin

FiiiCoin is a transaction network specifically designed for the purpose of mining mobile devices only. Blockchain technology allows all mobile devices to participate in maintaining a blockchain network while leaving it idle and charging batteries, instead of relying on expensive and powerful computer hardware that operates 24/7 to do mining work. The main goal is to create the easiest way and to re-promote using available resources (mobile devices) together to take part in maintaining blockchain. Even non-IT people or non-crypto fans can easily learn and be involved in mining as long as they have at least a smartphone.
In fact, smartphones or other mobile devices are not suitable for setting as blockchain nodes. The reason is weak computing power, limited storage capacity to keep the blockchain full and battery powered devices are not intended to operate 24/7 all the time, and that requires high network bandwidth to synchronize data blocks. If a mobile device runs a node using a 4G network, it will resolve all bandwidth in a short time.
FiiiCoin was built using an enhanced version of the Proof-of-Capacity - Delegated Proofof-Capacity (DPoC) consensus algorithm to achieve cellular mining capabilities while keeping mobile devices into full nodes and performing extensive block synchronization work. FiiiCoin was developed using blockchain technology that can be designed at home - FiiiChain. FiiiChain provides a standard blockchain module with "plug-and-play" capabilities for developers to modify the blockchain characteristic base on the given business requirements.


Travel to Fintech Revolution & Beyond

Because the disruptive power of new financial technology continues to change the market, we at FiiiGROUP are more committed than ever to stay ahead of the wave of innovation.

April 2018

Angle Round B lifts 3000ETH
FiiiPOS demo is ready

May 2018

1000 FiiiPOS units ready to be tested
FiiiPAY is available at the APP & Playstore store

June 2018

FiiiPOS is distributed to Malaysian & Singapore dealers
2nd batch sequence in mass production

Q4 2018

Expand up to 10 countries
The 50k FiiiPOS target is sold with FiiiPAY 500k users
Launch of FiiiEx

February 2018

Angel Round A flies 3000ETH

July 2018

Grand lauching from FiiiPOS & FiiiPAY
Bounty program is activated
FiiiPAY Rewards Program
Hackathon event

August 2018

FiiiChain launches
Launch of FiiiCoin
DPOC Mining

September 2018



DPOC personal terminal & mining promotional activities begin
The application of mainstream FiiiPOS in 30 countries 
around the world was achieved
100k FiiiPOS and 2 million FiiiPAY users.
For more information about Fiii, visit this link.
author: AlexSukaRondoz

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